
Unit 20 Advertising

P3 Unit 20 Indesign challenge men's health magazine

  This task on in-design made me more advanced with the software and it made me see how magazines are made and the process of making it.

P3 InDesign challenge task 4

this is my design of a magazine and I used the tools from InDesign to help with this, I filled the text boxes with auto fill text and this tool can place random text in a text box and this saves you from having to type all the text. I also used 6 columns and I matched up all the text boxes and images with the magazine that we was copying. 

Photo Shop

  this is on photoshop and it helps you bend words around shapes and bending lines and when you put the font and colour together it bring the words to life and makes this effective  warping text this helps use to see that the text is bending and wavy this also helps to change the way the text looks because there are loads of different ways to warp the text. use the words that you want and drag and drop text layer to the paper icon next to the bin to duplicate, change font, colour and size  filters these filters helps adjust the way  the image looks therefore it changes a normal image into a image that you can make blurry or glow. There are loads of different ways to change the way the image looks . this is called liquify and it lets to bend words around ripples or shapes. you do this by typing in a word then rasterize text then free transform to run along the flag then you chose the filter liquify then this allows you to be able to nudge letters to look like they go ...

covid in cartoon booklet 3


covid in cartoons booklet 2
